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Top Five Ways to Be the Best Service Provider

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If your entrepreneurial venture is being a service provider, you want to provide the best service possible and be the number one person that people go to when they need your particular service. There are a lot of various service providers on the Internet these days, no matter if you are talking about freelance writing industry, graphic design, programming or any other service.

There are professionals with huge price tags and sites like Fiverr that make some services incredibly cheap but no matter which part of the spectrum you are at there are some great ways to be the best service writer possible. If your entrepreneurial venture is being a service provider, you want to provide the best service possible and be the number one person that people go to when they need your particular service.


There are a lot of various service providers on the Internet these days, no matter if you are talking about freelance writing industry, graphic design, programming or any other service. There are professionals with huge price tags and sites like Fiverr that make some services incredibly cheap but no matter which part of the spectrum you are at, there are some great ways to be the best service writer possible:

1. Don’t charge prices based on the market, especially if you are trying to undercut the competition. Price your services based on what you think they are worth and don’t worry if some people are willing to pay the price because you’ will find people looking for quality work like yours that are willing to pay good money for it.

2. Be consistent with all of your clients even if they don’t know each other. Charge the same basic prices to all of the clients that you have, promise the same deadlines and don’t pick and choose policies based upon the client. If they ever do encounter each other you may lose both of them.


3. Double and triple check your work before you send it out. Even catching one or two minor mistakes could mean the difference between a client coming back or not, or telling other people about your services. Take a few extra minutes with every single project and make sure it is 100% what the client wanted and that it is your absolute best work.

4. Be okay with saying no. There may be some projects that you don’t want to work on and it doesn’t really matter what the reason is. You could have a moral objection or could be just too much work for the price that the person is willing to pay. The point is, be willing to say no to clients. They will respect you and not ask in the future.


5. Figure out what people’s problems are and then try to solve them. If you can come up a solutions to people’s problems other than your regular services, you could make a great deal more money and could spark a business idea that will take you to the big-time

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